Are you in need for the best online tool to convert Word documents to PDF files? Here on this post, I will be introducing to you, the best 3 I have personally used and works well.

There are different reasons as to why a PDF file is needed other than a Word Documents. To be clear, Word Documents often end with the doc extension while PDF ends with the pdf extension.

It’s necessary you know the difference.

You would quite agree with me that most recruiting agencies looking for people to employ for Job on the internet require that you submit your Curriculum Vitae (CV) in PDF format, right?

Now on the other note, your curriculum vitae was most likely done using microsoft word. Hence, it’s necessary to convert the word documents to a pdf file or document in other for the submission to be done. So, what do you do?

best online tool to convert word document to PDF

This post is exclusively aimed at helping you accomplishing that.

It’s not actually during times of submitting CV that converting word document to pdf file is needed. It could be something different. Okay here is another example. You can just scroll down to skip this.

If you are the type who loves writing ebooks and selling, you know quite well that writing on computer is done via the use of document programs like Microsoft word, right?

That’s good but are you also aware that ebooks aren’t proper to be distributed in word files but rather in PDF files? Hence, converting the word document to pdf file is a necessity and this post is obviously to aid you in doing that for absolutely no cost. By the way, you can conduct an image search which can be handy in your PDF and Word documents.

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Table Of Contents

Free Online Tools To Convert Word Documents To PDF File

If you are very conversant with file extensions then you should be aware that Microsoft word documents ends with .doc or .docx as extension while portable document format (pdf) files ends with .pdf extensions.

On this posts, I am categorically going to be writing on 3 online tools that can be used for this purpose. Although there are many more, I’d like to list only three. After all, they are all programmed to achieving same purpose.


Just as the name implies, it’s an online free website tool that allows you convert word documents to portable document format(PDF).

Upon visiting the webpage at, simply scroll down to the end of the page and where its stated ‘convert this document‘, click on browse and upload your .doc or .docx file. Click on convert document and download.


This is another great file converting website. wordtopdf from its name alone, should be able to give you an insight to what the website actually does.

Upon visiting, simply click on the browse button that stares at your face and choose the word document you want to convert.

Enter your email address so that the converted PDF file format will be mailed to you and after that, its essential that you enter the capsule code where it says ‘confirm you’re human’ (this is actually put in place to fight spam). Finally, click on convert to PDF and you are good to go.

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Pdfonline really does not have the site functionality stated all around the name like the others I have listed but trust me, it does perform same functions as the others.

Pdfonline only supports a max upload of 2MB to be converted. Yes, I think your word file shouldn’t be up to that in the first place. Except the document contains hundreds of pages.

The online converting tool also only supports receiving the converted file via email. This might not be the best position you’d want to put yourself in, but the end goal is you receiving your file.

Receiving your mail via email can also be handy in cases where you mistakenly deleted the app from your computer. You can easily revert back to your email and have it re-downloaded.

Upon visiting the pdf office/word to pdf converting page, click on Upload a file to convert. Select and upload the file and after that, click the below option that states ‘just email me the PDF’. Input your email address and you are good to go.

Another recommended tool is SmallSeoTools Docs to PDF tool. More information on that can be found at

So that’s it. With the above free online tools, being able to convert your office / word document to pdf file should be hustle-free.

In my subsequent posts, I will be writing on amazing online tool to convert pdf files to word documents, excel to pdf and more. Would you be interested in that?


  1. PDF stands for portable document format, which is a collection of multiple data into the single unit. So it is not easy to convert the whole file so we need some special tools in this conversion, Online conversion is easiest method but in this if server is down then it might happens that file will lost.

  2. Hi there Adeniyi. Just thought I’d leave you a comment on this post (seemed as good as any) to say that I’ve read a few of your posts and I’m enjoying the blog! Expect to see a few more comments from me! 😉

  3. Ok. someone came to me and asked if I had a software that can edit pdf file. Pls, do you have access to any?

  4. Thanks geek. But is there no software that can be downloaded so that I can don the conversion offline?


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