Over the years, we have written about a few free movie downloading and streaming sites on this platform and now, we’d like to do same for 123Movies which is another related site.

When it comes to watching and downloading movies online for free, there are quite a handful of sites on the internet. As a matter of fact, new ones are being birthed from time to time. Guess this goes a long way to show that piracy cannot exactly be eradicated. It can only be curbed but not eradicated.

Now, before you get it wrong with the intent of this post, talking about 123Movies and how to watch or download movies online is intended for educational purposes only. Not otherwise. We refuse to be held responsible for how users decides to use the information contained herein.

Having cleared that out, let’s head on to the main subject matter and, that’s talking about the online platform to watch movies online for free.

123Movies – Free Watch Movies and TV series Online

While there are quite a handful of movie downloading sites on the internet, almost everyone of them comes equipped with the ability to stream the movies. 123movies is no different.

123movies watch movies online free

Running a quick search online, there are quite a number of sites with the same site name. This Kind-of makes you wonder which is which.

Well, technically, almost all the sites with the same name but different extention, tend to do the same thing. So, how about I talk about the working ones and also share how to watch movies for free from their respective platforms?

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123Movies.Fun – Free Movie and TV Series Streaming

First on the list, would be the fun extension of the same domain name. Upon visiting the homepage, you will realize it’s sorta simple. However, behind that being simple, is pop up ads.

how to watch movies online on 123movies.fun

Hence, for every of the site I’d be talking about here, you should use apps like opera mini. Why? It helps reduce the number of pop up ads.

Unlike most downloading site I’ve stumbled upon and written on, 123movies.fun do not have movies displayed on the homepage. Just a search box and other options to help navigate the site.

How To Stream or Download From 123movies.fun

  • Visit the domain name 123movies.fun
  • On the homepage, type in a movie or series name and tap on the search icon. For the sake of this tutorial, let’s use Tomb Raider.
  • A search result will be displayed for tomb raider. Tap on the appropriate one you’d like to stream or download.
  • When the tomb raider movie page fully loads up, do not let the Stream in HD or download in HD buttons deceive you. To begin watching, tap on the play button on the video thumbnail.
  • Wait a few seconds and the video should begin streaming.

Having sorted that out, let’s move on to the next domain name.


This carries a different domain extension from the first. This feels like a very similar platform except for color variations.

www2 0123movies com stream tv series online

The pop up ads are still present and the search box is what you can boldly see on the page. To better ease your stress, tap on the ‘use the old 123movies? Click here‘ option positioned beneath the search box.

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How To Watch Movies and TV Shows?

  • Having clicked the option, you will be redirected to the www1.124movies.com page. You can copy that URL, paste it in a new tab and go.
  • When the page loads up, you will find different sessions including latest movies in theaters, recently added movies, recently added TV series, recently added Anime series, cartoon movies and Asian Drams. Choose the appropriate movie under the appropriate category you’d like to watch.
  • For the sake of this tutorial, we will be using Solo: A star wars story as a case study. So, tap on Solo: A star wars story.
  • When the movie page loads up, tap on the video player to begin streaming the movie on 123Movies free.

Scrolling down, you can decide to check out other different servers. Simply tap on the Play Movie option inline with the respective server.

Other working 123Movies Free Online Streaming Domains

Based on research, there are a lot more domain extensions related to the subject. For the most part, these domains work in same format.

By same format, I am making reference to the design layout, steps to watch movies and sort. Hence, any of the above steps should work in-0other to stream TV shows and movies from these sites.

The working 123Movies domains are;

  • www0.the123movies.com
  • www2.0123movies.com
  • www3.123movies.st
  • www1.123movies.cafe
  • 123movie.mn
  • www1.123movie.sc
  • www1.123movies.com
  • www0.123moviesfreenow.com

There are a lot more related domains on the internet. However, I like to think these ones will do.

If you will be interested in more, do not hesitate to ask using the comment session and I will update this post accordingly.

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As earlier mentioned, same process implies to every of the domains stated above. Simply copy the preferred domain you’d like to visit, paste in a new browser and go. Come back to this browser for the step by step guide on how to watch movies and TV shows on the site. This, I have already explained above.

Is 123Movies Safe?

These sort of questions get asked a lot. But, here is the thing. These sort of sites offering pirated contents are often not safe. How?

Well, for starters, how can you trust a platform that tend to use other people’s contents without permission from the rightful owners?

Besides, these sites tend to utilize a lot of pop up ads. There are no control as to the sites these pop up ads could lead to. Hence, if using the watch movies online site, make sure you do not input your credit card or confidential details if asked.

This however, doesn’t mean the platform cannot be used for its sole purpose. Just be careful with how you use the platform and as earlier stated, do not input your credit card details or even, any confidential details about you. Using the site doesn’t require a compulsory registration in the first place. Therefore, if you must, use the site without having to register.

So, other than 123Movies, gomovies and related sites, which other watch movies online platform do you know?


  1. Thanks for this excellent site list, but some of them doesn’t work. I always watch movies online at 123movies la, they have good streaming speed too. Don’t forget to use VPN before watching movies. Thanks again for your review of websites! Great article!


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