CouchTuner is perhaps, one of the most known platforms for streaming movies and TV shows online. If you didn’t know about the platform before now, you are welcome.

When it comes to being able to stream movies and TV series online, there are quite a handful of resources for this. However, while a particular site may work for one, it may not work for another. Other than that, there are times when that blockbuster film or Television show episode isn’t available on that one site.

For that reason, I have decided to put up some CouchTuner Alternatives which I consider to be the best. That way, you can have alternatives for your downloads or streaming pleasure.

Best couchtuner Alternatives to stream tv shows online

The CouchTuner Alternatives I will be stating here, have been verified by me. So yes, they are tested and trusted. Subsequently, I will be updating the list hence, it will be a good idea to bookmark this page and often check back for updates.

Best CouchTuner Alternatives For Streaming and Downloading Movies and Shows Online

In no particular order, I will be outlining the platforms. Amongst them, will be apps. Of course, I will rightly point them out. Hence, it’s necessary you take the time to properly read the content. That way, you do not confuse one for another. Hope you find fun reading.

1. FzMovies

FzMovies is unarguably my number one site for movie downloads. Not only can you download movies on FzMovies, you can also stream them.

download hollywood and bollywood movies on FZmovies

Other than the website being easy to work with, downloading from the website is also easy and movies gets updated quite fast on the platform. For this reason, I consider this website to be a suitable alternative to CouchTuner.

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There are often various servers to choose from when deciding to download or stream. Solely for the sole purpose of being able to switch if the download speed with one server is slow. You really should give the website a shot.

2. FzTVSeries

Does this relates to the first website mentioned? Technically, yes. How? Well, FzTVSeries is owned by the same guys behind FzMovies. While the former is strictly for movie downloads, FzTVSeries is strictly for TV series.

Since CouchTuner is a platform for not only films but televisions shows as well, it’s okay to also point out platforms where you can download shows as well. Right? Great!

That’s precisely where FzTVSeries comes to play. Just like the film version, there are different servers to choose from when downloading shows from FzTVSeries. That way, you can decide to switch servers if one seem slow. A good option sometimes, would be using internet download managers.

3. Showbox

Showbox isn’t a website, but an app. Precisely an android app. Showbox actually offers more. On the app, you can get to read the latest happenings around the movie entertainment world. Being able to download movies and TV shows, is also part of the package here.

If you rather not download, being able to stream films and shows on the app works perfectly. Whenever I am not using FzMovies, I am using showbox.

Usually, downloads on this app are pretty huge. That’s because they are somehow connected to torrents and the quality is usually in HD or FHD formats. Size of downloads on this app are quite heavy too. For HD movies, it’s often between 600MB to about 1GB.

Download ShowBox

4. Bobby Movie

It certainly wouldn’t be fair to mention showbox without having to mention Bobby movie. Why? Because they go hand-in-hand.

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Bobby movie app download as alternative to couch tuner

Unlike Showbox which updates you with news relating to movies, Bobby movie handles the basis. By basis, I am making reference to Movies and TV shows.

Of course, you can also steam these films and televisions shows without having to download them. As a matter of fact, I would rather advice you stream on Bobby movie than actually download.

Download Bobby Movie

5. 123Movies

123Movies is another platform that provide ability to stream not only movies, but TV shows as well. I have known the platform for a while now and I have even written on how to stream movies on the platform.

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Do bare in mind though, 123movies is an online platform and up to this point, I haven’t been able to devise a means to actually download the shows or films on the platform. However, streaming online sure works just fine. Be mindful of the pop up ads though.

6. 02TVSeries

02tvseries is another TV show downloading and streaming platform that has been around for a while. For the most part, if you are into TV series and you tend to download them online, there is a chance you know about O2tvseries.

It’s quite popular and it is specifically tailored for just television shows and TV series. If you are looking at downloading films on the platform, you are better off considering other sites mentioned in this list instead.

7. Tvshows4mobile

Another fascinating platform for TV shows. The website prides as the only site to free download all favorite English TV series and seasons in compatible mobile format. Mobile format in this case, includes HD MP4, MP4 and 3gp.

Of course, we both know there are more websites offering the same service as Tvshows4mobile. Not sure why the website should include ‘only’.

The website is designed in same manner as 02tvseries. Other than the template color difference and logo, you can hardly tell them apart.

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8. HDMP4Mania

HDMP4Mania is another website that is definitely worth checking out. The website even offers something that the above sites doesn’t. What is it? You may ask. WWE wrestling shows.

Yes, not only can you download movies and TV shows on HDMP4Mania, you can also download WWE wrestling shows. I consider the website to be a worthy alternative to couch Tuner.

9. Movies Diary

Movies Diary is another app I recently discovered precisely for iPhone and iPad. Chances are, it is also available on android. The app has proven to be really handy in keeping up with latest blockbuster films and shows.

download moviesdiary app for iPhone and iPad

Thankfully, you do not need to download the app from an external source. It’s right there on the app store. Hence, if you are an iPhone or iPad user, you can’t go wrong with this app. It comes highly recommended as an alternative to couch tuner.

10. TheWatchSeries

This platform has also been around for a while now. Interestingly, just like CouchTuner, TheWatchSeries seems to have transitioned through different domains.

However, just as the name has it, the platform is particularly centered around watching TV shows and episodes online. If you aim to watch TV shows online, TheWatchSeries is another handy website to check out.

There you have it. Those are the best CouchTuner Alternatives I can recommend at this time. Although there are more, I’d like to drop the pen here. Subsequently, I will be updating the post to disclose more related sites. Hence, be sure to bookmark this page and try to visit as often as you can.



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