Sefan.Ru is another website I have known for a while now. The website makes provision for android game downloads, Themes, videos on more. Games like PES, and a host of others are available for download on the Sefan website. Visit website.

That’s just an introduction, it’s not enough for you not to read the rest of the content. There still a lot for you to discover. Wouldn’t you be interested in those?

On this post, we will be talking on the website, what it offers and how to download contents from the platform.

Sounds cool, right?


Sefan.Ru – Free Downloads, Games, Videos, Wallpapers

Sefan ru website is a totally free download platform. What this means is, everything on the website, is free to download. Kinda similar to what Waptrick platform offers.

However, there are quite a handful of files and categories on the website. The website makes provision for not just android users, but Java and Symbian phone users.

sefan ru website homepage

Hence, if you happen to still use a Java phone in 2018 or you still use a Symbian phone in this time and age, Sefan ru website has stuffs for your mobile platform.

Having mentioned that, let’s look at the categories and contents available on the website for free downloads.

There are various categories on These includes; Java games, free downloads, Android, Symbian themes, videos, new wallpapers, basketball, football park our, skating dance and more.

Is it okay if we analyze these categories and find out what’s in it? Great!

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New on Sefan.Ru

Upon visit the Sefan.Ru website, this is amongst the first options you’d find.

As the name implies, the new on basically contains all the contents that are new on the website.

what's new on

The content isn’t in English. Instead, it’s in Russian language. Hence, for the sake of ease, it’s advisable that you use Google Chrome browser. That way, you can use the translate feature in translating the content on Sefan ru from Russian to English.

The new on Sefan session appears more in news style. By that, information of how many contents was posted in a particular date is displayed.

Find Favorite Game

The find favorite game session on Sefan ru is basically a session for games. Not exactly games being displayed, but searching for games.

The session also shows the last queries of game terms. Of course, before that, is a search bar.

If you have a game in mind and you do not want to go through searching each and every page, this is the session to get started.

New Java Games Free

This session is basically for Java phones. Hence, if you own a Java phone in this time and age, and you aim to download games, this is the session for you.

Depending on the screen size of your Java phone, there are various screens to choose from. If you are unsure, there is the for all screens session.

Being able to download via models is also part of the bargain here. Oh, there is the games top 100 as well. That’s a very good starting point, in my opinion.

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Free Downloads

This houses all the free downloads on the website.

On the free download session, you will find a few subcategories to choose from. This includes; new games, wallpapers, super themes, animations, videos (MP4 & 3GP), Erotica (XXX), flash-saver, Android Os, Symbian & UIQ and Java applications.

free downloads on website

The session is said to be updated daily. Hence, everyday, there are new cool downloads available for you to choose from.

The new games session isn’t different from the new Java games session above.


This category on Sefan.Ru covers everything relating to Android related download.

Here, you can find Android games. Animated wallpapers, widgets are also available for download.

Under the game session, you can find deeper options like Action, Arcade, Gambling, economic, adventure and more.

Sport game lovers, can check the sport session. It’s around this session, you will find the PES game. There is also tennis, winter and more.


The Symbian session on Sefan ru is entirely for Symbian phones.

Here, you will find downloads compatible with Symbian phones. This includes themes, games, flash Screensavers, software.


The themes category is a category dedicated for just themes. Here, you can choose to download themes for specific smartphones.

These smart phones includes Sony Ericson, Siemens, Nokia, and Motorola. Hence, if you own any of the mentioned smart phones, Themes are available for them on the Sefan website.


The video session is a session for basically videos. This houses all downloads that relates to videos.

Likes of horror, fights, erotica can be found here. There are also interesting videos, laid up and a couple of others.

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There are a whole lot more categories on the homepage for you to navigate through. But, is it okay that we stop there?

Next, let’s talk about how to download from Sefan.Ru to your mobile phone.

How to Download On Sefan.Ru

For the sake of this tutorial, we will be using videos as a case study.

To Download On, follow the steps below.

  • Visit the Sefan ru website
  • Tap on the appropriate category. In this case, videos.
  • Next, tap on the subcategory. Assuming we’d like to download interesting videos, tap on interesting videos. The list of videos available will be displayed.
  • Tap on the precise video you would like to download.
  • On the next page, tap on Load MP4 or load 3gp.
  • At this point, the download will commence.

That’s it. That’s how to download from Sefan website.

Bare in mind, MP4 videos are what’s advised for high-end phones. Hence, if you use an android or iPhone, MP4 option is what you should select.

However, if using a Symbian or Java phone, 3gp option is what you should select. Same process works for other files on the website.

Be sure to download only the appropriate file for your phone. If using an iPhone, you would need third-party apps to download videos. The linked content contains more information on that.

Hope this helps in your quest for including how to download from Sefan ru?


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