Have you tried using Kingroot App in rooting your Android phone and you got the error “Root Strategy Unavailable” or “No strategy Found”? Not to worry, this post might come in handy.
Kingroot is no doubt, one of the best one-click root apps used in rooting most Android smartphones. The tool comes in handy for those who would rather prefer conducting the rooting process using their phone instead of a computer.
Although the tool works out of the box for most known Android phones, latest phones tend to face the issue of No strategy found or Root Strategy Unavailable.
While those errors may leave you thinking your phone cannot be rooted, that might not actually be the case.
Causes of Root Strategy Unavailable On Kingroot
Just before i talked on the possible causes, let me give you an insight on how the app works. Kingroot works in a way that, it looks for exploits on Android Phones before being able to root it.
Now, when a new android phone is launched with an updated firmware, rooting might not work because the initial exploit as probably being patched. Point is, Kingroot tend to fix in codes that bypasses android security in other to root android phones. That’s even why, when you tend to upgrade a rooted phone, it bricks.
Distraction: Read This Before Choosing To Root Your Android Phone
Now to the possible causes. Normally, the reason why the error pops up could be as a result of the fact that your Android phone cannot be rooted using kingroot tool. But, that isn’t always the case.
Other possible causes could be your internet connection, an outdated kingroot app and the need for a retry.
How To Fix Kingroot Not Working By Displaying “No Strategy Found”
Possible measures you could take in fixing kingroot not working are:
Use the latest Kingroot: You can download the latest version of the app from the official website here.
Use a stable internet connection: This is very important. You should use a steady and fast internet connection when using the app.
Try re-rooting: Another possible fix would be retrying the rooting process. Simply close the app, relaunch and hit the root button again.
Downgrade Android Firmware: Recently upgraded your Android phone firmware? If rooting isn’t working after upgrading, you may want to consider downgrading. That of course, is if rooting is paramount.
Another Distraction: How To Unroot Android Phone Using Kingroot
With the following tips above, I have been able root a couple of Android phones using kingroot which initially displayed the no strategy found error. However, if all effort prove abortive, be patient. Help is on the way or try sourcing for other rooting methods specifically for your phone.