Are you searching for information on HDMP4Mania and how to download full HD MP4 Movies for free as well as Hollywood films and WWE wrestling shows? Then you are in the right place.

Update: HDMP4Mania has again, changed their website URL. Not sure why, but that has been updated accordingly in this content. Hence, please take the time to read through.

HDMP4Mania is another amazing platform that allows you download Hollywood Movies, Bollywood Movies and WWE shows in MP4 format. Hence, if you are a fan of movies and TV shows, this is one site to have or include on your radar.

I have known The download website for a while now even before it transitioned to which apparently, is the new domain name.

I have even talked about the platform a few times in a few posts. It is actually one of the best platforms to visit for your films related entertainment needs. Without further ado, let’s discuss on how to download hd mp4 movies on Hdmp4mania website.

How To Download Full HD MP4 Movies From HDMP4Mania

When it comes to mobile downloads, I often advise the use of browsers like opera mini. Reason being that, these sites utilize a lot of pop up ads. These ads can be really annoying. For that reason, I’d advise you use opera mini browser when deciding to download from

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To download from hdmp4mania website, please follow the steps below. Same step applies to films, shows, and wresting shows.

  • Visit Site has again, changed it’s URL to Hence, that’s the new url to vist. Just copy and paste the URL into a new tab on your browser app.he URL into a new tab on your browser app.
  • Find and tap on the movie you’d like to download
  • On the movie page, tap on Click Here To Download Full Movie / Show

how to download on HDMP4Mania

  • On the next page, tap on Click Here to go to download page
  • Next, you will be presented with all the servers to choose from. Tap on any of them to begin downloading.

That’s it. That’s how you download movies, TV shows, WWE wrestling shows from

As earlier mentioned, movies isn’t all you can download form the website. Other interesting TV shows and wrestling shows can be downloaded from the platform as well.

Having discussed how to download from the website, let’s discuss in details, other files you can download from the website. Point is, I want to give you clear information on all the website has to offer.

Site To Download Full MP4 Movies, TV Shows, WWE Shows Downloads

Upon visiting the homepage, there are two major sessions. The latest addiction and categories.

HDMP4Mania movie downloads, TV shows and WWE Wresting shows

The latest addictions basically displays the latest movies and shows added on the platform while the category sorta makes navigating the site, a lot easier.

As a starter you’d be better off using the category option. Of course, that is if the movie you intend downloading, isn’t displayed on the latest additions menu.

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Below the category options, you’d find Bollywood mp4, Hollywood Mp4 (English), Hollywood Dubbed, wresting shows, other Indian TV shows and videos, English TV series and mp4 mobile movies and trailers.

Would you be interested in knowing what these categories are about? Great! Let’s explore that path.

Bollywood MP4

This category basics contains all Bollywood movies. For those who do not know, Bollywood movies are Indian movies. Just the same way we have Nigerian movies as Nollywood Movies.

Hence, if you intend downloading strictly Indian movies, this is the session you should visit on the platform.

Hollywood Mp4 English

This category is basically for Hollywood movies. Not just Hollywood, but those in English. Now, you might be like, ain’t Hollywood Movies usually English movies?

Well, yes. However, the next category we’d be talking on, might make you understand why I am placing emphasis on English. But for now, if you aim to download strictly Hollywood movies, this is the session you should visit. Especially if you aim to download those spoken in English.

HollyWood Dubbed

Have you ever stumbled on that movie where it seems like the mouth movement doesn’t properly sync with the words you are listening to or hearing?

That’s what a dubbed movie means.

For example, a Hollywood movie which is supposed to be an English-speaking movie, turns out to be speaking hindi. Not courtesy of the characters, but courtesy of the transcripts.

On HDMP4Mania, you’d get Hollywood Movies dubbed In Hindi. If you are an English understanding person, you should skip this category. However, if you are an Indian and still love Hollywood content, then this is the category for you.

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WWE Wresting Shows

I grew up watching wresting shows. As a matter of fact, it was my favorite TV show at the time. Sadly, I seem to have grown out of it. I can’t even remember the last time I sat down to watch one.

But, that’s just me. I see most people are still interested in these shows. For that reason, HDMP4Mania Wrestling shows category should do justice. Especially if you are a WWE fan.

In this category, you’d get to watch Raw, Smack Down, TNA impact and PPVs.

Would you be interested in the best alternatives to HDMP4Mania? This post on best alternative sites for movie downloads should get you started.

Another highly recommended site is FzMovies. I have talked on how to download from FzMovies and I’d recommend checking that as well. We also have a comprehensive list on the best sites to download movies online. These sites do not require registration or sign up. Hence, you can be sure you’d be streaming movies and TV shows with ease. And if downloads is your thing, it’s doable on those sites. I highly recommend you check them out.

Which other download platform would you recommend for films and TV episodes downloads other than HDMP4Mania?



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