This post is going to teach you in quick and simple details, how to download and Install the latest version of WhatsApp on Blackberry 10 phones. The post also covers other important in regards to installing other related apps on BB10 phones.

To be clear, Blackberry 10 phones are blackberry phones running BB OS 10. These phones include; Blackberry Q10, Blackberry Z10, Z3, Z30, Q5, Q20 (classic), passport.

If using latest Blackberry phones like Blackberry Priv, Mercury (DTEK 70), or any other latest blackberry phone released between late 2015 till date, this tutorial probably doesn’t entail to you.

Reason being that, the blackberry Priv, Mercury, keynote and a few others are android powered. Not bb10. Hence, those phones should be able to fully support WhatsApp download from the play store.

However, if you aim to help your friend with this information, you are open to continue reading. You can even go the extra mile by sharing this information with them using the share button options available at the end of this post.

Back to WhatsApp for Blackberry, WhatsApp via it’s blog, announced that it will no longer support blackberry 10 devices after December 31, 2017.

It’s currently February, 2018 and as at when writing this post, being able to download, install and use WhatsApp on Blackberry 10 phones, is still valid. Although with a trick.

download and install whatsapp on blackberry 10

Before now, users of those phones just need to navigate to the Blackberry world (BB official app store), search and download WhatsApp. However, that’s no longer activate anymore.

  • Read: How To Download and Install Instagram On Blackberry
Check Out:  How To Delete WhatsApp Status Update On Android and iPhone

As a matter of fact, off late, some BB users seem to be complaining of inability to send messages on the mobile messaging app. The error being displayed upon launching the app states thus:

You can’t send messages to this chat because WhatsApp no longer supports this phone.

That error code is simple and self-explanatory. Thankfully, there is a way out.

Blackberry was smart enough to incorporate being able to install most android APK apps on its blackberry 10 devices.

What that means is, not only can you install blackberry apps on your blackberry 10 phone, you can also install android apk apps on those devices. The problem however, is that not every android app is compatible.

Before now, I wrote exclusively on how to download and Install Android APK apps on BB10 phones. You can find out more on that via that link.

Hence, I wouldn’t advice you do away with your BB10 phone yet. At least, that’s if you cannot afford or do not want to switch to android yet.

Steps To Download and Install WhatsApp On Blackberry 10 Phones For Free

As earlier mentioned, this is specifically for blackberry 10 phones. To be clear, BB10 phones includes Blackberry Z10, Z3, Z30, Q5, Q10 and the passport.

  • Read: How To Install and Run Two WhatsApp Accounts On One Phone
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If you own the Blackberry Priv, keynote or other android powered blackberry device, simply head over to the google play store app and install WhatsApp. Otherwise, let’s continue.

Step 1 – Allow Installation Of Apps From Unknown Sources

The first thing you should do, is to enable installation of apps from unknown sources on the BB10 phone.

To do this, go to Settings on your BB10 phone. Under settings, tap on App Manager > Installing Apps > Enable Installations from unknown sources.

Step 2 – Download Latest Version Of WhatsApp APK

Next is to download the latest version of WhatsApp APK (Download Link 1) – (Download Link 2). Alternatively, get the latest updated WhatsApp app from a friend who uses android via Xender. Yes, Xender works on Blackberry 10 phones too.

The APK is the android version of the app but should work on the BB10 phone. Just continue with the steps below.

Step 3 – Install and Run

After download is complete, install and run the app on the BB10 phone. This should be easy. Just follow the onscreen instruction.

After installation is complete, simply follow the onscreen instruction to completely set up and begin using WhatsApp on your BB10 phone.

It’s that simple. With the trick above, you get the same WhatsApp features available to android. Likes of WhatsApp Web, WhatsApp status updates are valid.

  • Read: How To Spy On Someone’s WhatsApp Messages

If you care to know, I wrote on how to delete WhatsApp Status Update here. I also shared how to format (bold, strike through and italic) message texts on WhatsApp.

Check Out:  How To View WhatsApp Status Without Letting Them Know On iPhone and Android

I hugely recommend that you check out those posts if you want to enjoy a better WhatsApp experience on your device.

Are you aware you can also reference messages on WhatsApp? There are a whole lot of new features added to WhatsApp. A whole lot you’d miss out on if you are not informed. Hence, you should check out more WhatsApp news and features here.

So, following the simple trick outlined above, have you been able to download, install and use WhatsApp on your blackberry 10 phone? If yes, simply drop a comment signifying so. If otherwise, simply say so using the comment as well. And we will try troubleshooting together.



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